Monday, October 26, 2009

How to Make a Collage Vase

This kind of vase can be made on the super cheap.  You can use anything from family photos to pictures torn or cut from a magazine in color or black and white or both.  In this economy we all need some great gift ideas and this is one of them. Click post title for complete instructions.

Here is what you will need:

  • First of course you need the glass vase which you can get at the local thrift store or at your local craft store for about $3
  • If you are already at the craft store you need to get the "Mod Podge" (I don't think their packing has changed since 1969 so it should be easy to find) make sure to get the 16 oz bottle and you can choose between matte or glossy depending on your taste.
  • You can use your fingers but I would recommend have some foam chip brushes on hand, just in case.  You can pick these up at your local dollar store, you guessed it, they should cost a dollar
  • And of course you need the photos or magazine clippings.  If you use anything you print yourself, you must use a a laser printer (Kinkos etc.) If you use an inkjet printer the colors will run and make a nasty mess!

1.  Even if you just brought the vase home from the store, wash it with soap and water thoroughly and then thoroughly dry. This will aid in the adhesion of the Mod Podge.

2.  I typically choose to put a thick layer of Mod Podge on only a quarter of the vase at a time because it can dry while working.  Adhere your pictures in the preferred layout.  Try to move somewhat quickly as it will tend to dry as you go.

3.  After you have completed each quarter section, liberally smear more Mod Podge on top of the images this is where you may or may not want to use your foam brush.  It may appear cloudy but rest assured it will eventually dry to a clear finish.

4.  Work your way around the whole vase while only handling the inside of the vase because when the Podge starts to dry on your fingers and you touch the images they will rip off and adhere to your fingers.  If this happens, you can simply smooth another image on top of the rip.

5.  After all is coated, you must let it dry completely.  Luckily the Mod Podge has no toxic fumes to you can let it dry anywhere as long as it not likely to be touched until dry

6. There you have it! you can continue to decorate with a ribbon or beads anything you like but make sure it is dry before adorning.

As usual, keep in mind there are no stupid questions.  If you find yourself lost just shoot me an email and even send photos if you want and I will try to help you out of any jams you may encounter with this project or any others you may be working on.


codergrrl said...

So easy, and creative....
they must be the cutest kids on the internet!

Anonymous said...

I love the collage vase. How do you think of these things? Great blog.

Anonymous said...

Do you use just regular copy paper with a laser printer?

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